Skechers Lolow 104028-BBK
Sports shoes for women with a low-profile design, in a universal black color. The minimalist design will be perfect for everyday use, Skechers Lolow will also be a great proposition of footwear for the gym, training and sports shoes, which will be perfect for fitness, zumba, aerobics. Women's footwear that looks nice, has a wide range of applications and provides high comfort of use combined, of course, with an affordable price. These women's sports sneakers are made of a soft, plain-colored knit that allows the foot to breathe, reinforced with a smooth, heat-welded synthetic overlay that runs along the most prone to abrasion around the sides, toes and heels. The presented Skechers women's shoes have a slip-on, stretchable structure that adapts to any shape of the foot and guarantees comfort of use. Another important feature of the Lolow model is the Air Cooled Memory Foam with highly cushioning properties that conform to the shape of the foot. A light, flexible, low-profile midsole absorbs shocks and provides traction, while red elements visible in the outsole support strategic places with an additional layer of abrasion-resistant rubber.
Brand: Skechers
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